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General courses





From beginner to advance lessons, we offer various courses for every students needs.

Students from all over the world use Japanese to communicate with their classmates and use what they learn to live comfortable in Japan. Because of this, students learn not just inside the classroom but also in real-life situations.


Course/Curriculum (2-year course)

*4月入学生(N5レベル)を対象としたコース。日本国内の高等教育機関での学業に対応 出来る日本語力を習得させると同時に、日本の文化や社会などについての理解を深め、日本での生活・コミュニケーションが円滑に進められるようにする。

This course is for students entering the school with an N5 level. This aims to help students obtain a higher level of proficiency and at the same time deepen their understanding of the culture and society for them to have a pleasant life while living in Japan.

*最初の2ヶ月は、日本の生活に慣れ、母国で習ってきた日本語と実際に日本で使われる 日本語とのギャップを埋め、同時にN5文法・語彙・漢字の復習とN4レベルの基礎の習得を図る。

The first 2 months, students get used to the life in Japan and slowly close the gap between the Japanese they learned in their home country and in Japan. At the same time, students review N5 while they start learning N4 lessons.


Beginner level 150 hours (2.5 months)


Lesson contents


Hiragana, katakana, and beginner-level kanji


Beginner-level grammar and vocabulary

Getting used in Japanese in real-life situations

Reading and writing easy sentences and phrases

Listening to daily conversations in Japanese

Writing a short essay

Students can tell what is around them


Materials used



Beginner-Intermediate level (3.5 months)


Lesson contents

*一般的な事柄について会話ができ、 読み書きできる。

Can have easy conversations, read, and write.

Learn grammar patterns close to N3
*自然に近い会話から、必要な情報を 得る。

Can understand and obtain information from a conversation

Can make an essay regarding an easy topic


Materials used



Intermediate level 550 hours (8 months)


Lesson contents


December JLPT preparation. 


N3 or N2 level grammar pattern

*日常的な話題について書かれた具 体的な内容を表す文章を理解する。

Can understand sentences about various topics

Can express opinions and thinking by writing

Can communicate naturally


Materials used



Intermediate-Advance level 400 hours (6 months)


Lesson contents


N2/N1 level grammar
*新聞や雑誌の記事・解説・平易な 評論などの文章の内容を理解する。

Can understand newspaper and magazine articles, explanations, simple reviews

November entrance examination preparation

December JLPT preparation


Materials used

「ニューアプローチ中上級日本語 完成編」「読むトレーニング応用編」「日本語能試対策総まとめN1」「日本留学試験対策 記述問題テーマ100」「日本留学試験対策 速効 総合科目」


Advanced Level 250 hours (4 months)


Lesson contents

*様々な場面に応じ、適切な表現を 用いる。

Use of appropriate phrases for various situations

Learning new vocabulary and phrases

Can write opinions, points about various matters


Materials used



Course/Curriculum (1.5 years)

*10月入学生(N4レベル)を対象としたコース。日本国内の高等教育機関での学業に対応 出来る日本語力を習得させると同時に、日本の文化や社会などについての理解を深め、 日本での生活・コミュニケーションが円滑に進められるようにする。

This course is for students entering from October with an N4 level. This aims to help students obtain a higher level of proficiency and at the same time deepen their understanding of the culture and society for them to have a pleasant life while living in Japan.

*最初の2ヶ月は、日本の生活に慣れ、母国で習ってきた日本語と実際に日本で使われる 日本語とのギャップを埋め、同時にN4文法・語彙・漢字の復習とN3レベルの基礎の習得を図る。

The first 2 months, students get used to the life in Japan and slowly close the gap between the Japanese they learned in their home country and in Japan. At the same time, students review N4 while they start learning N3 lessons.


Beginner level 150 hours (2.5 months)


Lesson contents


Get used to real life conversations in Japan


Can read and write simple sentences


Can understand daily conversations


Can write simple essays


Can express and explain things around


Materials used



Beginner-Intermediate level 250 hours (3.5 months)


Lesson contents

*一般的な事柄について会話ができ、 読み書きできる。

Can communicate, read, and write about general matters

Learn first half of N3 level grammar

*自然に近い会話から、必要な情報を 得る。

Obtain information from a conversation


Write an essay about a topic


Materials used



Intermediate level 400 hours (6 months)


Lesson contents


Use of appropriate phrases and words in a conversation


Learn N3 and N2 level grammar patterns

*日常的な話題について書かれた具 体的な内容を表す文章を理解する。

Understand the main point of easy topics


Write own opinions and thinking


Materials used



Advanced level 400 hours (6 months)


Lesson contents


Learn N1 level grammar


Appropriate use of phrases and vocabulary to various situations


Learn new vocabulary and phrases


Write opinions about social matters


Understand news and lectures


Have conversations in advanced-level Japanese


Materials used


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〒135-0031 東京都江東区佐賀1丁目11−11 東海永代ハイツ2F




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